In march 2019 we released our debut EP “IKAROS” and were able to play a release concert. We filmed and recorded the evening. After “Love, Are You Really Over It?” and “Teddy Bear” we decided to release two more songs: “Only a Sith deals in absolutes” and “but I lied”, this time as audio only. Together with the first two songs, these will form a live EP called “Bodies & Smiles”. “Bodies & Smiles” is taken from the chorus of “but I lied”, a song about lying about one’s mental condition and health. During the same period, I wrote “Only a Sith deals in absolutes” which builds upon a Star Wars quote. “Sith” (for short) is about being overwhelmed by your emotions, resulting in desperate ways.
We are beyond proud to release “Bodies & Smiles” within the early 2020 and hope, you will enjoy the recordings as much as we do.
“Every time I’m closing my eyes all I see are bodies and smiles”. There is no sentence that better describes our memory of the evening than this one. Thank you for being a part of our journey,

Truly yours